Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Crafters Smackdown

The Crafters Smackdown is back and better than ever. It's a crafting tournament, craft show, and make-it/take-it event that benefits the preschool at Congregation Beth Sholom.

What you need to bring: Yourself, your team - that's it!
How much: $40 for a team, $15 for individual
Can my business sponsor the event? Yes.

Where can I find out more?


Thursday, December 13, 2007

Painting on Silk

For the third year in a row, our afterschool students have painted silk scarves for women undergoing chemotherapy for breast cancer. We extended the project this year to do 120 scarves and 50 mastectomy pillows. Many of the toddlers and their parents painted a scarf, also.

This has really become a signature project for us. It's funded by the Alaska Run for Women. They pay for the supplies and staff time and we do the rest. When the pillows and scarves are done, we deliver them to cancer treatment centers all over Anchorage.

If you know anyone who would like a scarf or pillow, have them contact us and we can tell them where to pick one up.

We're gearing up for winter with our camp program. Check out www.frozenchosen.org and click on Winter Camp Sholom for details. We should have a great small group and our guest teacher is a one of a kind Jewish Educator with experience with children who have special needs.